At around 8 o’clock on Friday, May 5th, people were already gathering in the departure hall of Graz Airport. Among them were many parents, but mostly students of the 6A and 6B classes, excited for our upcoming trip to Ireland. However, it took us one stopover in Munich and several hours to finally arrive there. Apart from one missing suitcase, everything went well and we reached our destination, Galway, by coach in the evening. We spent the night at a hostel and took off early the next morning to catch a ferry to one of the Aran Islands, where we enjoyed the day doing a bike tour.

On Sunday, we left the accommodation with our suitcases, even though we wouldn’t arrive in Dublin before the evening, as we still wanted to see the famous Cliffs of Moher and the monastery of Clonmacnoise. In the capital we were picked up by our host families, in whose houses we lived for the following five days. From Monday to Thursday, we had classes at the Babel Language School for three hours every day, the exact time depending on the numerous activities we had planned. We took a tour on the Jeanie Johnston, learned more about the city centre and its history, did the Howth Cliff Walk and two professionals showed us some traditional Irish dancing. On our last day, we did a street quiz, consisting of questions on the city centre and tasks we had to complete, like taking a selfie with a police officer. In the afternoon, we said goodbye to Ireland after a fun, exciting, but also very informative week that we will most certainly never forget.



Es sind immer die einfachsten Ideen, die außergewöhnliche Erfolge haben. (Leo Tolstoi)


Die Naturwissenschaften braucht der Mensch zum Erkennen, den Glauben zum Handeln. (Max Planck)


Man sollte Sport treiben, ohne vom Sport getrieben zu werden. (Gerhard Uhlenbruck)


Das Leben verlangt gebieterisch eine Leitung durch den Gedanken. (Wilhelm Dilthey)


Der Mensch ist das wichtigste und kostbarste Peripheriegerät eines Computers. (Unbekannt)


Der Mensch lebt nicht voll, wenn er nur für sich lebt und sein Dasein bewahrt. (Berthold Auerbach)