
Am 7. März 2023 hat Evelyn Jukel, Schülerin der 5B, am Sprachenbewerb SWITCH 2023 teilgenommen und den 1. Platz in ihrer Kategorie (Englisch/Russisch NATIVE) erreicht. Wir gratulieren sehr herzlich! Evelyn hat folgenden Bericht über ihre Teilnahme geschrieben:

“I have recently participated in the SWITCH language contest, in the category English/Russian. Not only have I had an engaging and fun experience, I also won first place! The topic we had to discuss was “Open-door day”. Each contestant had 10 minutes to come up with ideas on how to illustrate various cultures to people who would be visiting the school. Personally, I was asked to present Russian and Canadian culture. My proposal was to gather some volunteers and dress them in traditional Russian Cartoon character costumes. For Canada, I suggested to make snow cones and cover them in Canadian maple syrup. Overall, I had a very educational experience, and suggest that everyone with an interest in languages should participate next year!”